ÖSB Umbrella Organization
philipp.hicker@medel.com2020-02-29T17:31:45+00:00The ÖSB is an independent umbrella organization of and for hearing impaired associations and organizations of hearing impaired people in
The ÖSB is an independent umbrella organization of and for hearing impaired associations and organizations of hearing impaired people in
THE meeting place for young adults with hearing impairments who communicate with each other in spoken language. https://jungestimme.com/
Hearing Center Lower Austria https://www.hoerenswert.or.at/
Self-help group for the hearing impaired in Lower Austria https://www.xn--schwerhrige-xfb.at/
Self-help group for hearing-impaired children and young people https://www.selbsthilfe-salzburg.at/
Community of Parents and Friends of the Hearing Impaired https://www.elternundfreunde.at/v07/
A network of affected people, relatives, doctors, psychologists, interested parties and many more. https://www.besserhoeren.org/
Therapy/support and counseling center for hearing-impaired children, adolescents and adults http://www.dazugehoeren.com/
Your contact: Your contact: Harald Vogl, vogl.harald@gmail.com Tel. +43 664 62 72 192